Monday, December 10, 2012

Photos from Julie Olson

The following photos were sent to me by Julie Olson:

Charles Ernest Bowers - WWI in France

John Shadrach and Esther Fullmer Bowers
with Vera Chamberlin Bowers (sitting on the far right)

Rhoda Myrtle Bowers (1887-1940)

Vera Chamberlin and Charles Ernest Bowers in Joseph Ramsay Chamberlin's yard (Vera's father). Unsure of date, so uncertain whether they were married yet at this time.

Young Charles Ernest Bowers with his parents John Shadrach and Esther Fullmer Bowers, abt 1905

Thank you Julie for sharing these priceless photos!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

St. Thomas Parish, Dudley, Worcestershire, England

My brother and his wife recently visited England and took photos of the parish. Unfornately, it was locked when they went. Received photos via email, 3/19/12.