Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Utah Digital Newspapers

The new discovery that I was recently thrilled about is the Utah Digital Newspapers. It began with a question I submitted online to the Research Center of the Utah State Archives & Utah State History:

Question: My great-grandfather, Leo Bowers, raced bicycles in Utah in a velodrome. As the story goes, in one of his races, he crashed and had a terrible time with the wood/splinters. My question - would there be a photo or article of/about him racing? Where would I begin looking? Leo Bowers, birth 1885, death 1949. I appreciate your help.

They did respond with links to various Utah newspaper articles which was helpful. The links were a part of the Utah Digital Newspapers, http://digitalnewspapers.org/. I have a blog for Leo Fullmer Bowers and Harriet Ann Shelton (the link is located on the sidebar of this blog). I will in the near future post most of his articles on that specific blog.

In addition, I have run specific searches and discovered more articles for the Bowers family of John Shadrach Bowers and Esther Fullmer. I have found it beneficial to search for specific names opposed to a general name like Bowers. On the home page of the Utah Digital Newspapers, there is an option to search all newspapers. I type in the name and then click on the "Exact Phrase" box and then click the "Go" button. I have found this method to be the best.

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