Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Old Toddler Pants

The images below are of toddler pants that were acquired from Leo Clifford Bowers and his wife Ruth Pace Bowers. We believe that these are from the Bowers line of the family. The "story" is that they came over with our ancestors from England - John Bowers (1816-1853) and Rose Hannah Leech (1818-1879). Today I have received confirmation from a curator from the Phoenix Art Museum here in Arizona that these pants are c. 1850s and were made for suspenders. If anyone has heard anything about these or could add to the story, please leave a comment or contact us so that we can add to the story.

Back view of pants

Front view of pants

Button up

Inside lining of the pants. Stuffed with special archival paper for preservation.

Another back view of pants

Monday, May 23, 2011

Utah Digital Newspapers: "Tracy Cannon Arranges Excellent Program for Pioneer Conference"

For the Male quartet--"There is a Beautiful Country"................... Parks
Leo, Ernest, George C. and Lewis Bowers. I'm thinking that Lewis Bowers should actually be spelled differently, Louis Bowers. Louis is the spelling I have for the brother of this family.

For the article above, I have written a note on the side with the name of the newspaper, date and title of the article: Salt Lake Telegram, 1916-01-23, "Tracy Cannon Arranges Excellent Program for Pioneer Conference". If you would like a clean copy, you can pull one up on the Utah Digital Newspapers website http://digitalnewspapers.org/.

Utah Digital Newspapers: "Holladay Notes"

For the article above, I have written a note on the side with the name of the newspaper, date and title of the article: Salt Lake Telegram, 1934-02-12, "Holladay Notes." If you would like a clean copy, you can pull one up on the Utah Digital Newspapers website http://digitalnewspapers.org/.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Utah Digital Newspapers: "Mrs. Esther F. Bowers to Be Burried Tuesday"

For the article above, I have written a note on the side with the name of the newspaper, date and title of the article: Salt Lake Telegram, 1926-01-17, "Mrs. Esther F. Bowers to Be Burried Tuesday". If you would like a clean copy, you can pull one up on the Utah Digital Newspapers website http://digitalnewspapers.org/.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Utah Digital Newspapers: "Vocalist Dies After Stroke" - John David Bowers

For the article above, I have written a note on the side with the name of the newspaper, date and title of the article: Salt Lake Telegram, 1942-09-17, "Vocalist Dies After Stroke". If you would like a clean copy, you can pull one up on the Utah Digital Newspapers website http://digitalnewspapers.org/.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Utah Digital Newspapers - Search for "john shadrach bowers" (2) items

I ran a specific search on the Utah Digital Newspapers website for "john shadrach bowers" and it came up with 2 items. I will attach the two articles within this post.

For the article above, I have written a note on the side with the name of the newspaper, date and title of the article: Salt Lake Telegram, 1934-02-01, "Bowers Rites Will Be Held". If you would like a clean copy, you can pull one up on the Utah Digital Newspapers website http://digitalnewspapers.org/. 

For the above article, we drew a line next to the pertinent article and on the side I wrote the name of the newspaper, date and title: Salt Lake Telegram, 1934-02-05, "Deaths".

I will transcribe the article since it is difficult to read when printed.

John Shadrach Bowers

Funeral services were conducted for John Shadrach Bowers, 80, pioneer builder and contractor of Salt Lake. Sunday afternoon in the McKingley L. D. S. ward chapel with Bishop William A. Bateman in charge.

Speakers were James A. Anderson, Charles Hyde, Charles Cottrell Jr., and Bishop Bateman, Alexander Buchanan dedicated the grave in the City cemetery.

Mr. Bowers died Wednesday afternoon at the home of his son, Louis J. Bowers, 130 East Seventh South street, of infirmities incident to age.

Utah Digital Newspapers

The new discovery that I was recently thrilled about is the Utah Digital Newspapers. It began with a question I submitted online to the Research Center of the Utah State Archives & Utah State History:

Question: My great-grandfather, Leo Bowers, raced bicycles in Utah in a velodrome. As the story goes, in one of his races, he crashed and had a terrible time with the wood/splinters. My question - would there be a photo or article of/about him racing? Where would I begin looking? Leo Bowers, birth 1885, death 1949. I appreciate your help.

They did respond with links to various Utah newspaper articles which was helpful. The links were a part of the Utah Digital Newspapers, http://digitalnewspapers.org/. I have a blog for Leo Fullmer Bowers and Harriet Ann Shelton (the link is located on the sidebar of this blog). I will in the near future post most of his articles on that specific blog.

In addition, I have run specific searches and discovered more articles for the Bowers family of John Shadrach Bowers and Esther Fullmer. I have found it beneficial to search for specific names opposed to a general name like Bowers. On the home page of the Utah Digital Newspapers, there is an option to search all newspapers. I type in the name and then click on the "Exact Phrase" box and then click the "Go" button. I have found this method to be the best.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Probate Record - Rosannah Binnall

I located the probate record for Rosannah Binnall online through the Utah State Archives & Utah State History. Rosannah Leech's first marriage was to John Bowers and her second marriage is to Charles Binnall. I paid a fee and received a copy of the record in the mail. The copy is difficult to read at times, so hopefully the scanned images below are still readable. There is a total of twelve pages. Below I tried to transcribe some of the pages. When you see dashes, those are words that I could not decipher.

No 665
Estate of Rosannah Binnall

In the matter of the
Estate of Rosannah Binnall deceased
Filed Oct 22 1879
recorded book 3
page 588 to 591

In the Probate Court mand for Salt Lake County Territory of Utah

In the matter of the Estate of Rosannah Binnall deceased

To the Hon E Smith Judge of the Probate Court in and for said county

Your petitioner respectfully showeth that the said Rosannah Binnall died intestate in the City of Salt Lake County & Territory aforesaid on or about the 14th day of February A.D. 1879.

That due search and inquiry has been made by your petitioner if any will had been made by the deceased but none has been found.

That the heirs of the said deceased their names, ages and places of residence and as follows
Caroline Fairclough aged          years [John and Rosannah Bowers' daughter]
Jemma Walker aged 35 years [John and Rosannah Bowers' daughter]
John S Bowers aged 26 years [John and Rosannah Bowers' son]
Charles Binnall aged 23 years [Charles and Rosannah Binnall's son]
Joseph Binnall aged 21 years [Charles and Rosannah Binnall's son]


and also Charles Binnall [Rosannah's second husband] aged about 65 years the surviving heirs band of the said deceased all residing in Salt Lake County Utah territory.

The approximate value of the property of the said deceased is about four hundred Dollars consisting of Real property without any income.

That no application has been made for letters of administration --

That is necessary and essential for the preservation of the said Estate that special letters should ------

Wherefore your petitioner specifically ask that special letters of administration be ----------- to your petitioner. him

John S Bowers

Subscribed + sworn to before me this day of October ---, 1879
D Brockhold
Clerk Probate Court
Salt lake Co US

On the matter of the Estate of Rosannah Binnall deceased
Application for Special Letter
Filed Oct 22 179
D Bockhold

In the Probate Court in and for Salt Lake County Territory of Utah

In the matter of the Estate of Rosannah Binnall deceased
order appointing Special Administrator

Upon reading and filing of the petition of John S Bowers praying for Special Letters of Administration in the Estate of the said deceased

And it appearing to the Court that no application for Letters has been made in said matter

That the deceased departed this life in Salt Lake City County and Territory aforesaid on or about the 14th day of February AD 1879 without leaving any will and leaving estate to be administered upon within the jurisdiction of this Court

And it further appearing that it is necessary for the preservation of said Estate that a Special administrator be appointed by the Court

It is ordered, adjudged and decreed that the petitioner herein the said John S Bowers be and he


is hereby appointed Special administrator of the Estate of Rosannah Binnall deceased with full power to collect and preserve for the Administrator all the goods, chattels, debts and effects of the deceased, all incomes, rents issues and profits claims and demands of the estate and shall take the charge and management of, enter upon and preserve from damage, waste and injury, the real estate and for any such and all necessary purposes may commence and maintain, or defend suits and other legal proceedings under and by the direction of the Court or the Judge thereof.
Done in open Court this 22nd day of October A.D. 1879.

E Smith
Probate Judge

In the matter of the Estate of Rosannah Binnall deed
Order appointing Special administrator
Filed Oct 22. 1879
D Bockhold
recorded book F
page 588

Monday, April 11, 2011

James Bowers' Journal - Excerpt

On April 11, 2008, I went to Utah and met with Jacob DeLoss Bowers who is a descendant of James Bowers (1811-1856). James is a brother of John Bowers (1816-1853). I am a descendant of John. The two brothers joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in England.

While I was visiting with Jacob Bowers, he gave me a copy of James Bowers' journal (see above images). As I look over the copies now, I realize that I may have a missing page and it also seems that there could be more pages. This is a transcribed copy of the journal. It also helps that when one reads this copy to remember that "Do" means ditto. Jacob did not know where the original journal was located at this time.

In the journal, several times names are underlined. On the first page we learn that Roshannah Bowers and Hellen Bowers are baptized on June 14 in Dudley. Roshannah Bowers is probably John Bowers' wife, so James' sister-in-law. Uncertain who Hellen Bowers would be, but possibly James and John's sister? In addition on the first page, Honor Barnickel's name is underlined. I do not have any guesses as to why her name is of importance to be underlined. Any ideas? (See comments below by Julie.)

On the page numbered 6, Honner Barnickel's name is underlined. Again, I do not know why this name would be underlined. (See comments below by Julie.) Also on this page, Isabelle Wakelam's name is not underlined, but caught my attention. Would this be Isabella Haldren, James' mother? She married Joseph Sansom Bowers and later married Joseph Wakelim.

As already suggested in a previous post, checking with the Church History Library for this journal may be helpful.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Leo Bowers with his Siblings - Children of John S. Bowers and Esther Fullmer

Received a copy of this photo from Nathele King Bowers.

I haven't seen this photo before, but I am going to predict the individuals based on age of oldest to youngest. In the center is Leo Bowers (1885-1949). Around him from right to left, George Collins; Louis James; John David; and Rose Hannah.

If you know otherwise, please leave a comment.

Bowers from Orderville, Utah

Received a copy of this photo from Nathele King Bowers.

This line of Bowers is through James Bowers and Mariah Lay's son, Isaiah Bowers (1846-1926). On FamilySearch, this photo is posted and the people are identified as seen in Isaiah Bowers' photos (KWZ9-VGD). The united order was successfully practiced in Orderville.

Find A Grave: Isaiah Bowers - http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=70371

Wikipedia: Orderville, Utah - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orderville,_Utah

Frank Bradley Bowers - Los Angeles Temple, Laying of Corner Stone - 11 Dec 1953

[Stamped on the back of the photo]

PHONE 68601

DEC 11 1953

[Written on the back of the photo]


Edward O. Anderson
Stephen L Richards
Howard J. KcKean
Clarence Silver
Frank Bowers

According to my father, Lynard Bowers, he discovered that Frank Bowers worked for the Church Building Committee for many years. Stan Porter was up in Salt Lake City, Utah one time speaking with the committee about a job for the church. Stan was head of Porter Brothers who built chapels in Arizona for the church. They would periodically go up to Salt Lake for meetings. When they came back from a visit, they asked Lynard if he was related to a Frank Bowers. And the connection was made.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Bowers Family Organization? How does Maria Bowers tie into the family?

This is only one piece of paper which we found, but looks like there used to be a Bowers Family Organization. It looks like there were more pages. One of the individuals listed, Maria Bowers, is the one I do not know how she links to the family. Listed below is how the others tie into the family tree and who they are descendants of:

Raymond Cottrel Bowers - Louis James Bowers Sr.
Eugene Sanders Bowers - Frank Bradley Bowers
Junius Dewitt Bowers - Leo Fullmer Bowers
Audrey Marie Bowers Arthur - Charles Ernest Bowers
Ruth Pixton Bowers Robertson - John David Bowers

Do you know who Maria Bowers is?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Copy of scrapbook page submitted by Julie Olson, Granddaughter of Charles Ernest Bowers

Top Left - Esther was the youngest of 11 children. Here she is pictured with three of her sisters.
Top Right - Esther Fullmer Bowers, Born 1857 [taken not long before she was married]
Bottom Left - John Shadrach Bowers, Born 1853
Bottom Right - John Shadrach as a baby with his mother Rose Hannah Leech.

NOTE: Donna Wray Wells, a granddaughter of John David Bowers, met with Audrey Marie Bowers Arthur, daughter of Charles Ernest Bowers. Donna created a photo album of photos that Audrey had, and Donna documented in the album what Audrey identified/described about the photos. At this time, I do not have a complete copy of the album.

Copy of scrapbook page submitted by Julie Olson, Granddaughter of Charles Ernest Bowers

Top Left - is Ernest (at abt. 8-10 yrs. old) with John S. & Esther/Top Right - Vera [Chamberlin] is dressed up in men's clothing - she is standing with Esther./Bottom Left - John S., Esther and Jemima Bowers Walker (in white dress at far right in photo) at Old Folks Day held in Liberty Park./The other two photos are of John S. and Esther.

NOTE: Donna Wray Wells, a granddaughter of John David Bowers, met with Audrey Marie Bowers Arthur, daughter of Charles Ernest Bowers. Donna created a photo album of photos that Audrey had, and Donna documented in the album what Audrey identified/described about the photos. At this time, I do not have a complete copy of the album.

Photos from Julie Olson, Granddaughter of Charles Ernest Bowers

John Shadrach Bowers and Esther Fullmer

(L-R) Charles Ernest Bowers, John Shadrach Bowers and Esther Fullmer

Thursday, March 10, 2011

John Shadrach Bowers and Esther Fullmer's 50th Anniversary Celebrated at Frank Bradley Bowers' Home

Out front of John Shadrach Bowers and Esther Fullmer's Home in SLC, Utah

Adults (L-R):
Frank Bradley & Ellen Winnifred Sanders Bowers; Alexander & Rose Hannah Bowers Buchanan; John Shadrach & Esther Fullmer Bowers; Vera Marie Chamberlin

Alexander & Rose Buchanan's Children (L-R):
Katherine; Robert Bowers; David Alexander; Richard Calvin

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Zerah Marvin (1775-1857)

Father of Rhoda Ann Marvin.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tombstone of John Bowers (1816-1853)


Located in Salt Lake City Cemetery, B_5_11_1W.

CORRECTION - Esther Fullmer, John Shadrach Bowers and Vera Marie Chamberlin in front of SLC Home

CORRECTION - Pictured in this photo are Esther Fullmer; John Shadrach Bowers; and their daughter-in-law Vera Marie Chamberlin Bowers at their home in Salt Lake City which is on the NW corner of West Temple and Goltz. Vera lived with her in-laws, John & Esther, while her husband Ern (Charles Ernest, the youngest son) was in Europe in World War I. Hence, the flag with the star in the doorway.

John Shadrach Bowers with his mother Rose Hannah Leech

I obtained the photo from Linda Sue.